Fifty-three Hope College seniors were honored with Senior Sigma Xi Awards during the college's annual Honors Convocation, held on Thursday, April 29, in Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

Fifty-three Hope College seniors were honored with Senior Sigma Xi Awards during the college's annual Honors Convocation, held on Thursday, April 29, in Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

          Sigma Xi is the Scientific Research Society.  The
  Sigma Xi club at Hope is one of 500 clubs and chapters in
  North America dedicated to the encouragement, support and
  recognition of scientists.
          The students receiving awards were:
               Scott Michael Anderson; Holland
               Krista A. Brewer; Phoenixville, Pa.
               Sara M. Brown; Buckley
               Jennifer S. Gray; Muskegon
               Margaret Frances Gustafson; Evart
               Katherine Anne Horjus; Grand Rapids
               Anthony Michael LaSorsa; Kentwood
               Bonnie Winona Nannenga; DeMotte, Ind.
               Robert James Oostveen; Galesburg
               Guy Steven Risedorph; Grant
               Jason Kohl Roberts; Lexington
               Anne Catherine Roulo; Livonia
               Heather Marie Wesp; Big Rapids                
               Jessica R. Black; Chardon, Ohio
               Todd Patrick Chassee; Wyoming
               Sarah Beth Cortright; Fennville
               Seth Lucas Crawley; Oxford
               Matthew John DeBoer; Holland
               Erin Cathlene Frazer; Midland
               Jessica Lee Gavin; Midland
               Margaret Lynn Graske; Spring Lake
               Frederick Stafford Hackett; Fowlerville
               Matthew Michael Kern; Farmington Hills
               Sarah Elizabeth Kuipers; Grandville
               Carrie Lynn Langstraat; Eagan, Minn.
               Keri Marie Law; Niles
               Benjamin Marco Messer; Stilwell, Kan.
               Kevin Wayne Paulisse; Grandville
               Jeanine Michele Roberts; Petoskey
               Nathan Allen Schnarr; Haslett
               Mari Lynn Stephan; Cadillac
               Shanna Claire Ten Clay; Grandville
               Jannah Hilary Thompson; Port Sanilac
               Rebecca Joy Timmer; Pella, Iowa
          Computer Science:
               Nathan Oostendorp; Zeeland
               Jeffrey Michael Penney; Rochester Hills
               James Nathan Vanderhyde;      Comstock Park
          Geological and Environmental Sciences:
               Karen Lee Dunkelberger; Holland
               Erik John Hiemstra; Wyoming
               Kimberly Lei Lake; Dublin
               Holly Van Dam; Hudsonville
               Courtney Carroll Dippel; Marshall
               Bethany Joy Rathbun; Clifton Springs, N.Y.
               James Nathan Vanderhyde; Comstock Park
          Physics and Engineering:
               Mary Kathleen MacDermaid; Vassar
               Michelle Suzanne Ouellette; Milford
               Andrew Taylor Thompson; Lansing
               Dennis Sarabia Ahmad; Midland
               Joy Rebecca Hankamp; Marne
               Emily Hollebeek; Grand Rapids
               Renata Marie Meixner; Brighton
               Kathryn Nixon; Marietta, Ga.
               Dara Spearman; Jenison
               Erin Michele Thompson; Howell