The Winter Film Series at Hope College's Knickerbocker Theatre concludes with "The Straight Story," a heartwarming film about 73-year-old Alvin Straight who journeys 300 miles across America's heartland on a John Deere riding mower to reach the side of his ailing and estranged brother.

The Winter Film Series at Hope College's Knickerbocker Theatre concludes with "The Straight Story," a heartwarming film about 73-year-old Alvin Straight who journeys 300 miles across America's heartland on a John Deere riding mower to reach the side of his ailing and estranged brother.

          The film will be shown Friday-Saturday, March 3-4,
  and will continue Monday-Friday, March 6-10.  Showings are 7
  p.m. and 9:15 p.m. nightly.
          Directed by David Lynch and based on a true story,
  the film depicts the 1994 odyssey of Alvin Straight (Richard
  Farnsworth) from Laurens, Iowa, to Mt. Zion, Wis., atop a
  '66 lawnmower.  The film also stars Academy Award winner
  Sissy Spacek as Alvin's daughter Rose.
          "The Straight Story" premiered at the Cannes Film
  Festival, and is presented by Walt Disney pictures.  It was
  named one of the 10 Best Films of 1999 by the National
  Review Board, and earned Farnsworth the title of Best Actor
  from The New York Film Critics Circle.
          The film is rated G and has a running time of 111
  minutes.  It is in English.
          All showings are at 7 p.m. and 9:15 p.m., with no
  showings on Sundays.  Tickets are $5 for adult admission,
  and $4 for students and senior citizens.
          The Knickerbocker Theatre is located at 86 East
  8th Street in downtown Holland.  Additional information may
  be obtained by calling the Knickerbocker Info Line at 395-