Awards for academic achievement during the current schoolyear were presented to Hope College students during the college's annual HonorsConvocation on Thursday, April 25.

Awards for academic achievement during the current schoolyear were presented to Hope College students during the college's annual HonorsConvocation on Thursday, April 25.

The awards presented for achievement in specific areas of study areas follows:

Art -- The Herrel George Thomas Memorial Scholarship, junior AriannaL. Baker of Wheaton, Ill., junior Matthew T. Evearitt of Ada and sophomore GraceH. Whitmer of Naperville, Ill.; the Holland Area Arts Council Scholarship, seniorJohn J. Andersen of Hamilton; the Stanley Harrington Art Scholarship, juniorDaniel BerhaneMeskel of Aksum, Ethiopia; the Art Department Purchase Award, seniorMeryl A. Humphrey of Fremont; the John Montgomery Wilson Award in Art History,seniors Jennifer Chalifoux of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Lauren A. Hermes of ArlingtonHeights, Ill.

Biology -- The Biology Book Award, freshman Stephanie L. Kortering ofZeeland; the Wolterink Prize, junior Jonathan W. Atwell of Muscatine, Iowa.

Biochemistry -- The Undergraduate Award for Achievement inBiochemistry, senior Jessica Leigh Abbott of Mobile, Ala.

Chemistry -- First-Year Chemistry Book Awards, freshmen StephanieKortering of Zeeland and Peter J. Van Wylen of Holland; Organic Chemistry BookAward to the Outstanding Student in Organic Chemistry, sophomore Michael J. Rossof River Forest, Ill.; Junior Chemistry Journal Award, junior Karen M. Clark ofMidland; the Cupery Student Research Fellowship, junior Beauregard L. Mason ofHastings; the DeVries Summer Research Fellowship, sophomore Christopher J. Goltzof Midland; the Visser Summer Research Fellowship, senior Carl T. Daniel ofPompton Plains, N.J.

Communication -- The A.A. Raven Prize in Communication, senior CristinR. Cramer of Chesaning; the J. Ackerman Coles Award for Scholarship inCommunication Studies, senior Meredith Ellen Care of Grand Rapids.

Computer Science Department -- The Russell J. Kraay Awards in ComputerScience, juniors Lilyana S. Mihalkova of Pazardjik, Bulgaria; Alexander A.Sherstov of Primorsk, Russia, and Emily J. Tennant of Pinckney.

Dance -- The Florence Cavanaugh Dance Award, senior Matthew J. Stehleof Pittsburgh, Pa.

Economics and Business Administration -- Baker Scholars, sophomoreJill C. DeVries of Zeeland, sophomore Donald S. Hart II of Ann Arbor, sophomoreJill E. Kalajainen of DeWitt, sophomore Stephen J. Moreau of Holland, andsophomore Ana X. Santibanez Zamora of Rosal, Mexico; the Deloitte & Touche JuniorAccounting Book Award, junior Kathi J. Grotenhuis of Holland; the Award forOutstanding Junior Economics Student, sophomore Donald S. Hart II of Ann Arbor.

Education -- The Elizabeth Vanderbush Awards in Education, juniorsSarah A. Caulk of Troy, Andrew J. Chapin of Midland, Lisa A. Cortez of Cadillacand Brandon J. Maas of Hudsonville; the Elizabeth Vanderbush Scholarship, juniorMary Essenburg of Holland, junior Casey J. Glass of Hudsonville, junior ChandraN. Leben of Wheaton, Ill., and senior Jason D. Montgomery of South Haven.

English -- The William Eerdmans Poetry Prize, freshman Glenn A. Lesterof St. Joseph; the William Eerdmans Prose Prize, senior Matthew David Cook ofDelmar, N.Y.; the George Birkhoff English Prize, sophomore Joshua C. Hauser of St.Charles, Mo.; the Stephenson First-Year Writing Prize, freshmen David Ryan Boesof Grand Haven and Joseph C. Tolton of Midland; Erika Brubaker Awards forPromising Achievements in the Study of Literature, junior Carol L. Friedrich ofLaingsburg, sophomore Kerilyn A. Harkaway of Saline, sophomore Rebecca S. Haynesof Hopkins, junior Katherine E. Klein of Indianapolis, Ind., junior Sarah F.McCluskey of West Olive, freshman Joshua J. Morse of Cadillac, junior Matthew P.Nickel of Grosse Pointe Park, sophomore Mary J. Otterness of Rochester, N.Y.,sophomore Laura H. Pearson of Plainwell, junior Lindsay D. Pollard of Holland,junior Christopher M. Roecker of Battle Creek, junior Lindsey A. Spoolstra ofByron Center, junior Danielle A. Svreck of Elizabethtown, Pa.

Geology -- Ancient Mystic Order of the Trilobite Award, freshmanMichelle Y. Knapman of Edwardsburg; the Faculty Book Award, junior William J.Weiss of Alden; the Michael Visscher Memorial Book Award, sophomore Heather K.Qualman of Northville; the Reinking Memorial Scholarship, junior Brian P. Yurk ofSchoolcraft.

History -- The Phi Alpha Theta Freshman Book Awards, freshmen Ryan K.Kelly of Williamsburg and Marguerite E. Tagg of Renfrew, Pa.; the Phi Alpha ThetaSophomore Book Awards, sophomores Anna J. Cook of Holland, Jessica A. Patrick ofMidland, Christine R. Statema of Zeeland and Andrew T. Wells of Midland; theRobert L. Melka Memorial Award, sophomore Kerilyn A. Harkaway of Saline; the MettaJ. Ross History Prize, Junior Michael D. VanBeek of Hudsonville.

Kinesiology -- The Miner Stegenga Award, junior Joshua P. Rumpsa ofGrand Rapids; the Alvin W. Vanderbush Student Athlete Awards, juniors Joshua J.Baumbach of Byron Center, Chad R. Carlson of Holland and Marcus W. Voss ofHolland; the Susan Allie Physical Education Award, senior Laura Sue Poppema ofHolland; the Kathleen Ann White '76 Memorial Award, senior Elizabeth A. Dornbosof Vicksburg; and the Human Kinetics Junior Book Award in Athletic Training,junior Rebecca J. Wieferich of Ithaca.

Mathematics -- The John H. Kleinheksel Mathematics Awards, freshmenStefan Coltisor of Bucharest, Romania, Heidi L. Libner of Park Ridge, Ill., andPeter J. Van Wylen of Holland.

Modern and Classical Languages -- The Ruth W. Todd Classics Prize,senior Rachel Kathryn Brownson of Holland; the Delta Phi Alpha Book Prize, seniorErich Christopher Shoemaker of Traverse City; the Linda D. Palmer Memorial Awardin French, senior Kimberly R. Droscha of Mason; the Martin N. Ralph Memorial Awardin Spanish, senior Rachel A. Van Wieren of Grant; the Edward J. Wolters ClassicsAward, senior Jared Henry VanNoord of Sparta; the Marguerite Prins French Award,senior Adriaan Gregoor Passchier of Waddinxveen, The Netherlands.

Music -- The Grace Marguerite Browning Scholarships in Voice, juniorsAlyson M. Payne of St. Joseph and Crystal A. Stabenow of Mount Pleasant; theRobert W. Cavanaugh Scholarship in Voice, sophomore Sara W. Luneack of Alma; theDelta Omicron Scholarship (Alpha Chi Chapter), sophomore Sara J. Bolkema ofFlushing; the Junior-Senior Instrumental Scholarships, juniors Joseph M. Dellerof Dearborn and Nicholas E. Toben of Troy; the Junior-Senior Scholarship in Piano,sophomore Sara J. Bolkema of Flushing; the Joyce M. Morrison Voice Scholarships,freshmen Andrea C. Brooks of Elk Grove, Calif., and Abbie J. Matthews of FortWayne, Ind.; the Eleanor J. Palma Memorial Award, freshman Laura S. Ellis ofAurora, Ill.; the Jean Anderson Palmer Memorial Award in Piano, junior Noel A.Snyder of Flushing; the Claryce Rozeboom Memorial Scholarship in Organ, juniorHeidi G. Dykema of Kentwood; the Donald Weener Memorial Award, sophomore Emily E.Parkhurst of Lansing.

Nursing -- The Junior Award, senior Erin N. Hughes of Rochester Hills;the Pre-Nursing Award, sophomore Micah H. Holden of West Chicago, Ill; theSophomore Nursing Award, sophomore Nancy A. Smit of Shelbyville.

Philosophy -- The Charles E. Lake First-Year Memorial Prizes forPhilosophical Promise, freshmen Zachary J. Barricklow of Brooklyn and Zachary J.Garrett of Spring Lake; the Charles E. Lake Sophomore Memorial Prizes forPhilosophical Promise, sophomores Peter L. Binnie of Whitewater and Jennifer S.Troke of Grand Rapids; the Charles E. Lake Junior Memorial Prize for PhilosophicalPromise, junior Nora T. Staal of Kfar Shemaryahu, Israel.

Physics and Engineering -- The Freshman Physics Book Awards, freshmenCarol J. Guess of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Peter J. Van Wylen of Holland; the Dr.Harry and Jeannette Frissel Research Scholarship, freshman Stefan Coltisor ofBucharest, Romania.

Political Science -- The Political Science Department Book Awards,sophomore Molly J. Baxter of Kennewick, Wash., sophomore J. David Mackinnon ofKentwood, sophomore Todd M. Neckers of Grand Rapids, senior Adriaan GregoorPasschier of Waddinxveen, The Netherlands, junior Bryan A. Rimmke of Portage,sophomore Jonathan G. Sedon of Midland, senior Katlego T. Setshogoe ofJohannesburg, South Africa, junior Elizabeth J. Slentz of Greenville, juniorHillary B. Stone of Middleville, senior Erin Sue Van Dyken of Grandville, seniorCatherine Corey Wemette of St. Paul, Minn., junior R. Rodney Westrate of GrandRapids, sophomore Joshua M. Wiersma of LaGrange, Ill., and sophomore Sarah A.Wilkinson of Dowagiac. The Renze Lyle Hoeksema Prizes in Political Science,juniors Elizabeth M. Van Houwelingen of Traverse City and Angela M. Zemla ofHudsonville.

Psychology -- The Arthur John Terkeurst Psychology Scholarships,juniors Amy F. Sato of Kentwood and Rosanna M. Sutton of Ludington; the C. JamesStringer Jr. Memorial Award, junior Meghan L. Geer of Lowell.

Religion -- The Religion Scholarship Award, junior Jonathan D. Orneeof Zeeland; the Van Ess Scholarship Awards, junior Ashlea M. Allen of Midland,junior Jesse W. Bolinder of Grand Rapids, sophomore David A. Bramley ofNorthfield, Ill., sophomore Mary A. Cichocky of Traverse City, sophomore LaurenR. Hinkle of Indianapolis, Ind., junior Daniel R. Hinz of LaGrange, Ill.,sophomore Edward N. Huebner of Portage, junior Laura E. Meisch of Muskegon, juniorJonathan D. Ornee of Zeeland, sophomore Phillip A. Pratt of Flint, junior DavidA. Rye of Haslett, junior Robert P. Schaafsma of Cadillac and sophomore NakishaS. Zwyghuizen of Zeeland.

Theatre -- The Theatre Department Freshman Awards, Rachel A. Jamiesonof West Bloomfield and Abigail M. Youngerman of Royal Oak; the Theatre DepartmentSophomore Award, Micah J. Maatman of Kalamazoo; the Theatre Department JuniorAward, Kim A. Daelhousen of Sinking Spring, Pa.

Beckman Scholarship -- sophomore Andrew J. Huisman of Zeeland.

Cancer Federation Award -- junior Timothy R. Stowe of Valparaiso, Ind.

Dean for the Arts and Humanities' Awards -- freshman Michelle Y.Knapman of Edwardsburg and senior Rachael Suzanne Pridgeon of Montgomery.

Dean of Students Peter Bol Award -- senior Robert Rasmussen Bradfordof Schoolcraft.

Dean of Students Greek Leadership Awards -- seniors Aaron D. DeVos ofGrand Rapids and Renee E. Mursch of San Antonio, Texas.

Dean of Students Race Issues Paper Contest Award -- junior KimberlyJ. Turner of Grand Blanc.

Jurries Family Vienna Summer School Awards -- junior Carol L.Friedrich of Laingsburg and sophomore Fatu T. Kamara of Evanston, Ill.

Theune Family Award -- senior Blair M. Johnson of St. Joseph.

Paul Norman Timmer Memorial Award -- junior Rachel M. Romsaas ofMinneapolis, Minn.

Morris K. Udall Scholar -- sophomore Karina C. Machado of Hudsonville.

Gene van Tamelen Prize for Creativity in the Sciences -- seniorJosiah Alexander Bradford Dykstra of Sioux City, Iowa.

Mary van Tamelen Prizes for Creativity in the Arts -- seniors SusanRuth DeKam of Caledonia, Rachael Suzanne Pridgeon of Coldwater and Charlotte EmilyAdeline Van Coevorden of Holland.

Women's Issues Organization -- The Gender Issue Paper Contest Award,junior Jane E. Bast of Grand Rapids, senior Briony Erin Peters of Menominee.

The Post Jewelry Chapel Choir Awards -- seniors Josiah AlexanderBradford Dykstra of Sioux City, Iowa, Patrick F. Glaub of Plymouth, Ind., JonathonRichard Hultgren of Harwood Heights, Ill., Jeremy M. Lydic of Eldridge, Iowa,Sarah Rachelle Proulx of Ionia and Erich Christopher Shoemaker of Traverse City.